Tak vcera vecer mi prislo vyjadreni od producenta - Disney Interactive:
Dear Radim,
Hello again and thank you for your reply.
We apologize for any confusion. The information you viewed on one of the Disney websites is incorrect about the PC version of the game. Thank you for bringing that mistake to our attention; it also appears that whoever edited that information misspelled a word as well. We will be contacting the department that edits that webpage to let them know of the error.
The PC version of the game was designed to be a single player game, so no update will be available to modify this design. The correct information about the game is printed on the box for each system. The console versions say you can compete with your friends in dance-offs or play together in a dance duo but the PC version of the game does not mention this on the game case.
The PC version of the game is also not designed to work with a dance pad; this also applies to the Wii version of the game. Only the Xbox 360 and PS2 versions of the game support dance pads, this is noted on game case.
Once again we apologize for any confusion with the game. If you do not find the game to your satisfaction we will be happy to offer you an exchange for another program title in our catalog or a refund if you have a receipt.
Celkem vtipne, ze? Tanecni hra, ktera na PC nepodporuje zadne tanecni podlozky

, prestoze u XBOXu a PS2 ano. Grrr.