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Zaslat odpověď IGGM.com is handselling a free Lost Ark Gold event | Action
IGGM.com is handselling a free Lost Ark Gold event | Action
Anonymní DDR portal

A week after the release of Abyssal Raid Argos in Lost Ark, many players are wondering what they will see in the game in the near future. While roadmap in Lost Ark Gold for the next few months was leaked a few days ago, Amazon mentioned that its content could change, especially they want make more players come back.

Amazon Games shared an update to this roadmap last night, explaining how it plans to introduce new content in Lost Ark in the coming months. Since the developer's priority is to accelerate players' progression through the third tier of content, it plans to give us more progression material for them to monetize through fun in-game activities. I'll be constantly looking forward to new content coming. And I will take more Lost Ark Gold to participate in the game.

I was lucky enough to find IGGM, a trusted seller of Lost Ark Gold Items. I buy Lost Ark Gold with high standards. One is safe and legal, the other is fast fulfillment of orders, and most importantly, the price is cheap. IGGM meets all my criteria and I also get the latest game news and game walkthroughs. As a VIP member of IGGM, I also get additional discounts. Plus, right now they're hosting a discount, which I don't think we should miss out on. We'll get 6% free Lost Ark Gold with every purchase, so we'll get more Lost Ark Gold.
Anonymní DDR portal

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IGGM.com is handselling a free Lost Ark Gold event | Action
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