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Zaslat odpověď Hello from Across the World
Hello from Across the World
JTvo DDR portal

Založen: 02.04.2009
Příspěvky: 1
Bydliště: Massachusetts, USA
Hello everyone! I Come Bearing Simfiles!

First off, I'd like to thank this site for the many simfile packs I've gotten from your pack thread. It's amazing how localized simfiles are depending on where you are in the world, and your site has packs that I've never seen before.

Second, I'm JTvo, I'm an administrator from DDRPlace.com based out of Minnesota in the USA. I've been playing DDR and Stepmania for years now (5+) and I'm always looking for new packs. Since your site has given me and my friends so many new sims to play, I'd like to offer links to packs from my own site. DDRPlace makes Community Packs for Pad and Keyboard Stepmania, we also have a huge collection of r21 files. If you'd like, take a look:
Thank you again for your unique simfiles, I wish my Czech wasn't so rusty or I'd try to post here in the other forums.

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I'm new here, glad to join this forum and glad to meet you here, I look forward to getting some inspiration and getting to know all of you.

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Hogan|Scarpe Hogan
Hello from Across the World
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