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Zaslat odpověď Stepmania songy v ITG for PC
Stepmania songy v ITG for PC
xsoft DDR portal

Založen: 25.07.2004
Příspěvky: 4714
Bydliště: Praha, Hostomice
(tohle je normalni LEGALNI postup .. oficialni ale nikde se o nem moc nepise)

Support for loading StepMania songs in ITG

ITG for PC/Mac has an unsupported and undocumented feature that allows you to play songs from StepMania. It will load any song that's supported by StepMania, but with the following restrictions:

Arrow ITG will only load songs with music files in OGG format. For licensing reasons, ITG cannot play MP3 music. You can use a batch converting utility like OggDropXP to convert your MP3 files to OGG.
Arrow ITG will not load any song directories with "In The Groove" in the song folder name. This is because the scores of your added songs would conflict with the scores of the built-in songs.

Configure ITG PC/Mac to load your StepMania songs

Arrow Install In The Groove PC/Mac
Arrow Open the file ITG configuration file Preferences.ini in a text editor.
---* Windows: My Documents\In The Groove\Save\Preferences.ini
---* Mac OS: ~/Library/Preferences/In The Groove/Preferences.ini
Arrow Find the line AdditionalSongFolders=
Arrow Add the path to your StepMania Songs folder to the end of this line. For example:
---* Windows: AdditionalSongFolders=C:\Program Files\StepMania\Songs
---* Mac OS: AdditionalSongFolders=/Applications/StepMania/Songs
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Alik DDR portal

Založen: 30.04.2006
Příspěvky: 23
tohle asi neni aplikovatelne i na ITG demo, co?
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xsoft DDR portal

Založen: 25.07.2004
Příspěvky: 4714
Bydliště: Praha, Hostomice
No, jete to v Beta1, ale aby si to lidi koupili tak to bunguje dal jen ve final verzi.
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Bot fora
Bot fora
Uživatelé tohoto fóra doporučují produkty

xsoft DDR portal

Založen: 25.07.2004
Příspěvky: 4714
Bydliště: Praha, Hostomice
Trocha obrazku http://www.stepmania.com/wiki/Load_StepMania_songs_in_In_The_Groove
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Stepmania songy v ITG for PC
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