EDIT 3/9/2008:
Zkontolovany vsechny odkazy a odstraneny mrve linky.
Co zde neni tak bud nekdo neuploadnul, nebo to treba neni urcene k tomu, aby to bylo sireno (viz drive ITG3).
Download sekce
TIP: Chcete stahnout rovnou hotovou hru se vzhledem a songy? Nechcete si poskladavat Stepmaniu rucne? Pak sahnete po hotovem balicku. K dispozici je:
Dance Dance Revolution X
In The Groove 2
[1.] Download @pocitac.com
(DDR, Beware DDR, ITG, ITG for PC, Mungyodance 1,2,3,addony, Ultrastar, PIU, Soundtracky, Maratony, ..)
Vice info)
[2.] FTP Fileserver

Domaci FTP kde je snad uplne vse co muze byt. Pokud neni, da rychle douploadnout (oproti 1. jsou zde i dalsi alba, ISO, videa, ...)
Aktualni prihlasovaci udaje (ip, post, login, heslo) vam prozradi icq bot na vyse uvedenem cisle. Jede na stejnem stroji jako ftp, kdyz nejede tak nejede ani server (nebo treba jen spadnul

Neni to uplne trivka se s nim dorozumnet, ale predpokladam, ze kazdy inteligentni clovek to zvladne (a pokud ne, tak mu obsah na FTP asi nebude k nicemu, protoze i themes a .sm je potreba nekam nahrat).
Bugy a requesty hlaste na moje icq, mail, pm.
Vice info)
[3.] Odkazy
Jakykoliv odkaz z nize uvedenych. Zalezi co hledate (na stepmania.com jsou Stepmixy 1,2,3,4, na jinych treba Keyboar megapacky a podobne ...)
http://www.stepmania.com/wiki/Download_Songs (legalni songy)
http://www.stepmania.com/wiki/Song_Download_Sites (odkazy na dalsi stranky)
Oblibene odkazy:
http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~cranky - Original BMS by Cranky.
http://aym.pekori.to/data.html - Aym's original BMS Data Room.
http://bemaniacfr.free.fr/ - Variety of BMS songs, including JPOP.
http://liebe4u.x-y.net/frame.htm - Large variety of BMS songs
http://www.gradiusic.net/ - BMS mostly from Beatmania 5th mix Bonus Edit
http://voo.to/mbs/ - BMS mixes of Beatmania arcade songs.
http://isweb1.infoseek.co.jp/~e501/bms.html - 4th and 5th mix BMS songs.
http://shimayasu.cool.ne.jp/bms.html - MIDI-style BMS from Final Fantasy games
http://isweb41.infoseek.co.jp/play/hpno/ - BMS from Super Famicom (SNES) games
http://www.bemani.net/ - A collection of some Beatmania complete mix 2 songs, and some originals.
http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Domino/2936/ - Many BMS songs from Famicom (NES) games
http://urawa.cool.ne.jp/nights/ - Even more BMS songs from Famicom (NES) games.
http://www.itencity.com/games/bms_song_1.html - Older Beatmania arcade and original BMS songs.
http://isweb16.infoseek.co.jp/play/non3/ - BMS songs from the Pop'n Music series
http://www3.to/operao - Links to many other BMS sites
(Following sites added 2003.3.17)
http://www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Keyaki/2340/ - Original BMS songs created by Ojo.
http://www.angelfire.com/realm2/lingeringxsoul/ - Has some good BMS songs available.
http://fumotono.infoseek.livedoor.com - FII Project 2nd. Several original Technopop, Epic Trance and House BMS.
http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~megabeat - More kewl original trance/techno/digi-rock BMS with animations here.
http://www.geocities.co.jp/MusicStar-Drum/4686 - SMP Shiro's Music Place. Even more original BMS with animations, from various authors.
http://www.geocities.co.jp/Hollywood-Spotlight/3931 - YM. Step files based on songs from various Bemani games, playable in Delight Delight Reduplication.
(Following sites added 2003.9.26)
http://eu4.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ - Copy Cat. Plenty of video game BMS, there's also a pack of Chrono Trigger BMS for download.
http://www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Oak/9041/bm98.html - ESTEEM. Some interesting J-Hiphop BMS songs.
http://www.geocities.co.jp/CollegeLife-Cafe/1602/bms.html - pinoko's room. Classical BMS, Cocco and Aiko BMS, all use the Piano or Steel Guitar WaveSets.
http://aym.pekori.to/data.html - Aym's BMS Data Room. Many originals and arcade songs here.
http://bemaniacfr.free.fr - BEMANIAC(fr) is the first French-language Bemani site, a good selection of songs (including JPOP!) for download here.
http://home7.highway.ne.jp - ProDEg room, the home of several fantastic original BMS songs, truly amazing to play and hear.
http://liebe4u.x-y.net/frame.htm - Liebe's BM98 Emotion. A Korean site with a good amount of BMS songs. If you're having trouble finding the BMS download pages, they are here, here, and here.
http://www.gradiusic.net - Digital Exchange DX. The main page of this site has 3 links to their BMS Data Rooms. Several BMS songs, mostly from Beatmania 5th mix. Miracle Moon, Overblast, Luv To Me, and many more.
http://www.kickdance.hpg.ig.com.br - Kick and Dance! A good selection of well-made BMS songs from various video games (Zelda, FF7, Chrono Trigger), and a near-complete BMS step file collection for Delight Delight Reduplication!
http://voo.to/mbs - Mix Beat Studio. All the songs here are interesting mixes of original Beatmania arcade songs. For example, "Hell Ska A Go Go" is a mix of Hell Scaper and Ska A Go Go.
http://isweb1.infoseek.co.jp/~e501/bms.html - E501-BMS. Some 4th and 5th mix songs here. The background music is in MP3 format, so you'll need to convert it to WAV format before playing.
http://isweb41.infoseek.co.jp/play/hpno/ - DEKO's BMS room. Several songs from various Super Famicom (SNES) games! The songs here use the actual instruments extracted from the game itself, they sound great!
http://www.bemani.net/ - Has a selection of BMS songs from Beatmania Complete Mix 2, Frequency, also some original songs by me! Download them or else I'll be sad.
http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Domino/2936/ - Cojio's BMS Data Room. Immense collection of BMS songs made from Nintendo Famicom (NES) games.
http://urawa.cool.ne.jp/nights - NIGHTS room. Another very large collection of BMS songs based on Famicom NES games.
http://www.itencity.com/games/bms_song_1.html - Beatmania Emulation. A good archive of older BMS songs which are now hard to find.
http://www.hiro777.com - Dive into HIRO's Music. Very many impressive original BMS songs with visual animations included, available for download here.
http://isweb16.infoseek.co.jp/play/non3/ - Kit-sa Wins. The return of the Pop'n Music BMS songs once found on juwely.com!
http://www3.to/operao - Operao's Room. The BBS at this site features links to a good variety of songs.
http://www.geocities.co.jp/HeartLand-Keyaki/2340/ - There are plenty of ojo. The original BMS songs created by Ojo can be found here.
http://www.angelfire.com/realm2/lingeringxsoul/ - Has a few BMS songs available... Genom Screams, All Night Long 2k2, and more.
http://fumotono.infoseek.livedoor.com - FII Project 2nd. Several original Technopop, Epic Trance and House BMS. If you're having trouble locating the BMS page, it is here.
http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~megabeat - m e g a b e a t. More kewl original trance/techno/digi-rock BMS with animations here.
http://www.geocities.co.jp/MusicStar-Drum/4686 - SMP Shiro's Music Place. Even more original BMS with animations, from various authors.
http://www.geocities.co.jp/Hollywood-Spotlight/3931 - YM. DDR Step files from various Bemani games, playable in Delight Delight Reduplication.