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Zaslat odpověď This is Japan Phone Number List, the Facebook newsletter cre
This is Japan Phone Number List, the Facebook newsletter cre
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Content subscription platforms have had a great boost in recent times, with examples such as Patreon that make it easier for creators to monetize their work and maintain direct communication with their followers, or Substack, one of the main platforms for newsletter monetization. that has not gone unnoticed by Facebook, which as usual seeks to take advantage of every corner of the market. That is why now it launches Japan Phone Number List, its own platform for creating and subscribing to newsletters.

Facebook enters the world of newsletter subscriptions with Japan Phone Number List
Facebook planned its entry into the world of newsletters since last March when the social network explained that it sought to support writers, experts and journalists who publish their work independently with a new platform with which they could reach new audiences and develop your business, and now Japan Phone Number List ​is a reality. And of course, despite the fact that Bulletin comes at a time when newsletter platforms are booming , it is true that having Facebook behind its back has many advantages: the most obvious is being integrated into its vast ecosystem, that is, publishers will be able to reach a much larger audience much more easily and build a community on your social networks .

In the Bulletin portal, users can discover articles, newsletters and more content from creators covering a large number of topics and forming communities related to each specialty.

Image:Japan Phone Number List

Users can subscribe to these newsletters, between free and paid ones , through a system very similar to subscription groups on Facebook, in addition to the fact that payment is made directly through Facebook Pay.

To access the publications, users can read them directly in their email or enter the official Bulletin website to find them as articles, in addition to being available in the Facebook newsfeed.

Subscribing to a channel in Japan Phone Number List

On its website we can comment and see the comments of other users thanks to its integration with Facebook , but users have the freedom to subscribe without having to have an account on the company's social network : for this they only need their account of e-mail. In the case of having a subscription, users could have extra benefits such as specific badges on Facebook.

In Bulletin you have the option to create an account with Facebook or with your email

Articles, podcasts and more exclusive content
For its launch, Mark Zuckerberg's company invited a large group of renowned publishers, writers and creators to share their newsletters in the Japan Phone Number List, for now only limited to topics related to sports, fashion, environment, health and local news of the territory of the United States , although it is expected to be available globally soon.

Some content creators in Bulletin

An important point is that, at least initially, Facebook will not charge a commission for the publication and handling of the content in the Japan Phone Number List , however this could change in the future.

However, this is a great advantage over the competition since, for example, Substack obtains a 10% commission from writers who offer paid newsletters on its platform, a commission that is reduced by up to 50% in the case of Revue, the platform that Twitter recently acquired and that takes a 5% commission.

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This is Japan Phone Number List, the Facebook newsletter cre
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