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Zaslat odpověď How do I find the "true" maximum and minimum
How do I find the "true" maximum and minimum
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I'm unable flip barrows or any OSRS gold weapon or armour piece for any reason very well. Tips? I'll purchase almost every item someone is trying to sell at a rapid pace and earn a profit from it. For example, my fury. I also earned 150k from the sale of a whip for one million dollars recently. Things like that.

My flipping speed is contingent upon the current trend of the item. If it's rising, ill max buy at the min price (how do i calculate max and min prices will be explained in the next section) and then sell them for their maximum at the time the transaction is complete. Sometimes, i purchase/sell at 1gp higher than the min/max price, based on my profit margin and how quickly i am able to buy/sell.

If the price of the item is declining, I will purchase the item at min price, then instantly sell at max price, but buy it at min. The reason I do this is that, if I wait the sometimes 10 mins to max buy an item that is declining, the max will lower during that time.

Now , how do I find the "true" maximum and buy OSRS GP minimum. I purchase 10 of an item for far more than what it is worth and then sell the item for way lower than what it actually costs. I will get money back when I purchase way over. Then it will inform me the price it paid for. When i sell for way under, it will pay me more than I wanted, since that is the current min price.
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How do I find the "true" maximum and minimum
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