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Dance Dance Dance
xsoft DDR portal

Založen: 25.07.2004
Příspěvky: 4714
Bydliště: Praha, Hostomice
Konami's first game with the word "Dance" in it, three times actually. This game came out in 1998 around the time DDR 1.5 Mix arrived at the arcades. This was almost a year before its PS release. Its RPGish in a sense and does have some interesting characters. This is my own personal rip as i own the original and Very Rare! If you need help understanding what to do in the game, Sir Bacon has written an FAQ for it on that other site here:

... eh .. nejak jsem asi nepochopil jak se to hraje.
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Pulda DDR portal

Založen: 01.12.2004
Příspěvky: 659
Bydliště: Brno
Okay, the concept of this game is to make your person dance in a
better manner than your opponent does. To make your person dance, you
press a combination of the d-pad and one of the four face buttons on
the controller. In doing so, your person will do a move that lasts
for four beats of the song. The quicker the beat of the song, the
faster your character does their move. After the move, you again press
a combination of d-pad and button to launch your character into another
move. You can press the buttons a little before or after the 4th beat
and still do another move but your Rhythm score won't be as high (more
on that later). If the move that you do is a proper follow up to the
previous move then your groove bar at the bottom of the screen goes
up and your opponent's groove bar does down. Thus you want to try to
link together moves that follow one another to do a big chain of moves
that'll raise your groove bar all the way and allow you to pull off Special Moves.

Proste ... dost strucne receno, jde asi o to mackat ruzne kombinace sipek na padu a tlacitek na ovladaci podle rytmu a toho co se objevuje na obrazovce... Mozna takova nejaka kombinace DDR a Bust a Groove. ^_^
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xsoft DDR portal

Založen: 25.07.2004
Příspěvky: 4714
Bydliště: Praha, Hostomice
To je problem. V Quest modu muzu chodit, kecat (japonsky) a podobne. Ale kdyz se "bojuje" proti sobe .. tak tam ty 2 postavy proste stoji a nic. Na nic to nereaguje. Tipoval bych ze to cislo "41" uprostred je cas a nehybe se (kdyby to bylo 51 .. podezrival bych Lost).

Sece se jakoby natrasaji (jako ze se obraz uplne nesekne), ale to je tak vse. Divny divny.
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Dance Dance Dance
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