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Zaslat odpověď Yours Hard Pads
Yours Hard Pads
Mirai DDR portal

Založen: 12.10.2004
Příspěvky: 5
Bydliště: Wroclaw/Poland

I like very much hard mats, which you are making. Especially this page is usuable http://gilhad.wz.cz/DDR/hardpad1.php

But I have one question. Could you please translate this descritpion into English? I dont know Czech language and I would like to biuld this dance pad form mysoelf.

Thank you in advance.

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Re: Yours Hard Pads
Filip-san DDR portal

Založen: 23.02.2005
Příspěvky: 248
Bydliště: Praha-Chodov
Mirai napsal:

I like very much hard mats, which you are making. Especially this page is usuable http://gilhad.wz.cz/DDR/hardpad1.php

But I have one question. Could you please translate this descritpion into English? I dont know Czech language and I would like to biuld this dance pad form mysoelf.

Thank you in advance.


OK, ...

Some links :

+ Gilhad's page you have mentioned...

now for that pad (take this as a general guide how to build this pad)

Advantages Smile
It's cheap - Well, on European phorum's, I'v found a lot of guides how to make a pad, but they were too much expensive for Czech student's Very Happy
This construction is MUCH cheaper - expences shouldn't be over 40 US$

Building this pad doesn't take much time.. on the other hand, you will spend sime time with adjusting sensitivity and upgrades, so your pad will look beeter

Disadvatages - well, only problem can be with materials.. that's why i'm writing this only as general guide, so you can use almost anything..

Now a little bit of theory :

This pad works as a contact maker for classic gamepad, which you can buy in shop. You have a base plate (chipboard), contacts (almost anything will do - we used tinfoil, because it's thin..), "ground" (metal plate(sheet) - be careful with this, you need suitable material - it have to bend, but it musn't sag - we have used galvanized iron (zinc-plated), but you can try some alloys) and "inLayer" (layer between contacts and ground - again, almost everything will do, we used 1mm linoleum)
Only criterium is that distance between contacts and "ground" shouldn't be more than 1 mm - if it is, the pad is not wery sensitive (but this depends on material of "ground")
For example - we have used tinfoil and linoleum.. you can use carpet with some metal pieces instead.. it's only up to you

Now - contacts and "ground" are conected to gamepad (you will have to use gamepad, whis uses only one ground on his contat's - usually the cheaper one's are like this Very Happy ). So when you step on plate on right place, it will touch the contact and computer will take it as a signal from gamepad..

Now for building..
Take the base plate and make a little channels in it (they will be for wires)
Then, attach contacts to base and then attach wires to nontacts
Then, attach a "inLayer"
Every attaching can be done with glue Smile But this is only up to you
At the and, put a ground on this and attach the last wire to it

Now you have to solder all wires on right places on gamepad

Uff, i hope this can help you... if you don't understant anything, don't hesitate to ask Smile

And sorry for my english
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