 | Orig. munchkins - diskuze, pravida |  |
Založen: 08.04.2005 |
Příspěvky: 208 |
Zaslal: ne, 3.prosinec 2006, 23:52 |
S hruzou jsem zjistil, ze tento topic se zde zatim nenachazi.
Bylo by dobre, kdyby sem kazdy dopsal jake munchkiny ma, at v tom je system ;o)
Jinak jsem procital nejake Munchkin FAQ a narazil jsem na:
citace: | Important Clarification #3: Playing/Using/Switching Items During Combat
This is pretty straightforward and is covered in the rules, but not all in the same place.
* You can't switch items during combat. In other words, you can't chose to wear a different helmet or different armor once combat has started. You also can't "unwield" one item which uses hands and "wield" another in its stead. Basically, all the items you were using or carrying must remain in their current states. Unfortunately, this means that if you lose or change your class or race, you don't start getting bonuses from other items you have in play that are usable by your new race or class, including items that anyone could use.
An example of such a case: An Elf is using the Bow with Ribbons and is carrying the Sword of Slaying Everything Except Squid. He has no extra Hands, so the Bow is using both of the Hands he has available. The Elf then goes into combat with anything but Squidzilla and is subsequently Cursed by another player to lose his race. He now loses the bonus for the Bow, and since he can't switch out the Bow and replace it with the Sword, he gets no bonus from it. As an aside: Should the player have another Elf card, he could play that immediately and get back his bonus from the Bow.
* You may play new items during combat as long as it is your turn, and, if you are allowed to use the item (without breaking the rule above), you can count the bonus for the combat you are in.
Example 1: You are in combat and due to a Curse, you are now a Cleric. In your hand is the Mace of Sharpness and you have at least one Hand free. You may play the Mace and count its bonus immediately.
Example 2: You are in combat and you are not wearing Headgear. In your hand is the Helm of Courage. You may play the Helm and count its bonus immediately.
Example 3: You are a Dwarf with Slimy Armor. In your hand is the Short Wide Armor. You may play the Short Wide Armor at this time, but you don't get its bonus instead of the Slimy Armor's because you are already wearing Armor and can't switch during combat. |
Coz pokud to dobre chapu znamena, ze nove zbrane/armory se muzou vykladat i BEHEM boje, pokud nenahradi nejake puvodni.
Jinak dalsi evil zakerna vec je:
citace: | Q. Can I play Go Up a Level cards on another player to make him go up to a level such that a Monster that would previously ignore him will now chase him?
A. This is not the original intent of Go Up a Level cards, but this is such a munchkinly and vile idea that we like it too much to say no. |
to se musi nekdy vyzkouset
Jinak.. obednal jsem si Munchkin bites!
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Založen: 21.08.2006 |
Příspěvky: 406 |
Bydliště: Praha 3 - Žižkov |
Zaslal: po, 4.prosinec 2006, 4:32 |
Né, je to zřejmé a má to logiku. Při boji můžeš tasit, můžeš hupsnout do zbroje, ale nemůžeš přezbrojovat nebo se převlékat. Můžeš hrát novou výzbroj či výstroj pokud jí máš kam dát, ale nesmíš měnit stávající. Jediné trochu zvláštní je, že pokud se ti změní ta class, že se ti pak nepočítají žádné karty, které máš v tu chvíli na stole a to ani v případě, že jsou použitelné kteroukoliv classou. :-/
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Založen: 08.04.2005 |
Příspěvky: 208 |
Zaslal: po, 4.prosinec 2006, 10:30 |
oooo, a muzes mi prosim prozradit link na ten puvodni topic?
samozrejme jsem ho hledal.. zadal jsem do hledani vyraz munchkin a nalezlo to pouze ddr mutaci...
Kirara napsal: | Jediné trochu zvláštní je, že pokud se ti změní ta class, že se ti pak nepočítají žádné karty, které máš v tu chvíli na stole a to ani v případě, že jsou použitelné kteroukoliv classou. :-/ |
Tohle je imho divny... to si vycetl z ceho?
 Pad builder
Založen: 12.03.2005 |
Příspěvky: 643 |
Bydliště: Praha - Stodulky |
Zaslal: po, 4.prosinec 2006, 10:42 |
Bee_Boo napsal: | S tim switchovanim, v podstate ten prvni odstavec v tech prikladech poprou ... |
taky by to slo vykladat tak, ze: "to co jsi mel na zacatku boje nesmis sundat, i kdyz jsi treba ztratil schopnost to pouzivat"
nebo, "pri boji se nesmis svlekat"
Jinak vlastim zakladni sadu Fantasy munchkinu a postradam od narozenin svoji cernou kulatou kostku.
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Založen: 21.08.2006 |
Příspěvky: 406 |
Bydliště: Praha 3 - Žižkov |
Zaslal: po, 4.prosinec 2006, 11:03 |
xg napsal: | Kirara napsal: | Jediné trochu zvláštní je, že pokud se ti změní ta class, že se ti pak nepočítají žádné karty, které máš v tu chvíli na stole a to ani v případě, že jsou použitelné kteroukoliv classou. :-/ |
Tohle je imho divny... to si vycetl z ceho? |
citace: | ...if you lose or change your class or race, you don't start getting bonuses from other items you have in play that are usable by your new race or class, including items that anyone could use. |
Translation: Když ztratíš nebo změníš své povolání nebo rasu, nedostaneš bonusy z ostatních věcí, které máš ve hře a které jsou použitelné tvojí novou rasou či povoláním, včetně věcí, které může použít kdokoliv.
Trin napsal: | ...postradam od narozenin svoji cernou kulatou kostku. |
Tu "kostku" jsem ještě minimálně v sobotu večer (v neděli ráno) viděl na stole na kterém následně spal Xsoft se Sniperem a flaškou medoviny ^^;
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 Bot fora
Založen: 08.04.2005 |
Příspěvky: 208 |
Zaslal: so, 9.prosinec 2006, 13:02 |
Dalsi zajimava vec -
citace: |
while in combat, you can discard your race card. but are you allowed to play a new race card then?
You may play a Race or Class at any time during your turn. You may discard your Race or Class at any time.
Just like the rules say!
Cili i v boji je mozno premenit svou rasu, sily, styly...,
vse ale pouze pokud jsem na tahu ja, pokud pomaham, tak ne!
A pak co se tyce obchodovani:
citace: |
You may trade Items (but not other cards) with other players. You may only trade items from the table - not from your hand. Any item you receive in a trade must go to the table; you can't sell it until it's your turn.
- Obchodovat se muzou pouze vylozene karticky..
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