citace: |
what is anarchy?
So you probably came here looking for DDR simfiles for Stepmania or DWI. This is the right place... those are linked above, as "originals". The newest are in "four", oldest in "one". If you don't know how to use the files or themes, check "help".
k//eternal is a fairly well-known figure in the DDR online community, having made several quality simfiles, as well as highly popular themes inspired by beatmania IIDX. He's also staffed (and entered) a few contests, although he's now out of the tournament scene to focus on making files for his own enjoyment (as well as his friends). |
Uz tam jsou ctyri. Ale take je tam par docela peknych a zajimavych themesu (mimo jine je jeden inspirovany Goldem). Libi?
Pokud to nekdo zkusil, muzete o tom neco napsat, at vime ..