 Pad builder
Založen: 12.03.2005 |
Příspěvky: 643 |
Bydliště: Praha - Stodulky |
Zaslal: út, 21.únor 2006, 23:25 |
2 S'tsung :
1) jsou nekde oficialne uverejnene timingy a JD pro turnaj?
Momentalne jsem nastavil ITG timing a JD5 a jde to ..... ztuha (slusne receno, greatu jak nas........eto).
2) Jak vlastne poradne funguji JD. Timing nastavuji prece jen jednou. Tak ktery JD mi da ten spravny timing?
Sice trochu OT, ale bezprostredne se tyka turnaje 
 Bot fora
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Založen: 26.07.2004 |
Příspěvky: 2218 |
Bydliště: Praha |
Zaslal: út, 7.březen 2006, 21:46 |
Takze strucne.
ITG World Championship se kona od 9-12.8. v
(Fishauctionhall Hamburg – Germany)
Große Elbstrasse 9
22767 Hamburg
Skupiny jsou. (cion-op...= arkada)
zeny bar heavy/expert nebo beginner /standard
zeny no bar
muzi bar heavy/expert nebo beginner /standard
muzi no bar
teamy (huh?) heavy/expert nebo beginner /standard (musi byt z jedne zeme)
zeny double hard/expert
muzi double hard/expert
freestyle beginner /standard (freestyle na ITG???o_O)
multiplayer (CFka)
zeny heavy/expert nebo beginner /standard
muzi heavy/expert nebo beginner /standard
teamy skill/stamina tournament a freestyle turnaj
Vstupne jeden den proc hrace 55EUR. ale kdyz nevite, kdy hrajete je to tezke. vsechny dny 150EUR.Plati se license International Dancing Organization plus vstup na turnaj. V ty cene je i jidlo 2/den.
Pre-Kvalifikace. Narodni turnaj na ITG2 arkade (proste mame smulu). Vse ostatni neplatne. Po pre-kvalifikaci je jeste kvalifikace na miste (ta se asi bude dat moc prezit..ale ten turnaj.no ble fuj..info dodam.).
Co se tyce divaku a jinych navstevniku.
citace: | The ticket price for all 4 days is 17 € and includes admission to the World Championship and free use of the “practise-machines” based on a first come-first serve basis. |
Vstup na den je 5EUR na vsechny 4 dny je to 17EUR. V cene je freeplay na arkadach, co tam budou hrace. Ehm bude tam asi plno. Takze to bude chtit asi hodne trpelivosti.
Jinak budou tam plan treningu, takze mozna to bude dost organizovane a to pravidlo first come-first serve basis nebude moc fungovat.
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Založen: 26.07.2004 |
Příspěvky: 2218 |
Bydliště: Praha |
Zaslal: čt, 23.březen 2006, 16:26 |
S'Tsung wrote: citace: | It seems like we will have even Aaron and Yasu coming over from Japan, and how awesome isn't it with a concert with Kyle Ward for ITG players and fans from all over the world? There will also be at least one Stepmania tournament, and a lot more to be announced.
This is already a good reason to go to the World Championship for me. Ok I know it's quite close for me^_~.
And if I'm reading the rules correctly the females in no bar division finals will have to pick at least 11 steps. How many European females can pass ITG 11 steps no bar?
The rules are the same for every division, no? Well, I don't know how many American women can pass 11 footers or 12-13 footers. I know like two girls playing on a pretty good level. Spacemausl (ten footers on DDR EXT, but maybe sho got better, long time I haven't seen her play), Karen (who loves ITG so maybe...she can do that. I'm sure she will be able to clear all ITG songs one day and get a good score).
Organizators of World Championship: Have you though about what TJ3 wrote? Well, you know I don't know many girls who play ITG and the number of girls actually clearing ten footers is much shorter (1? +2 if I count two american girls).
Round 3:
Choice: 9-11
Random: Expert 11 or less
Already the third round seems tough to me. I just can't imagine playing Xuxa (or any other 11 footer) on arcade without a bar (well never stood on that arcade yet...ok?) . How many girls are here that are capable of clearing 11, 12 and 13 footers bar/no bar?
How many girls you think would come to the world championship anyway? Maybe it will be a surprise to everyone...but both double/single ladies' divisions seem to me more like a survival mode.
(double play is more rare as you need two pads at home or an arcade near...I play double like once in two months?)
The same goes to the multidancing stamina/skill tournament. I was wondering what songs would be played there, because at The Gathering it was like an easy song, that some tenfooter, easy song, ten footer (tlom, some neomax, stoic included)... I couldn't imagine a multidancing (stamina) tounament on 10+ songs. Not to mention that everyone plays on with different speed mods. So is there a possibility of getting some more onfo about that? Because if it would be like Expert/Hard 7-9 footers at normal speed I'm sure I would sign up.
http://czech-ddr.info |
Po tomto prispevku mi prisla dokonce i odpoved. Pravidla pro zenskou division budou zmenena, aby byla vetsi konkurence a aby to nebyl survivor pro kohokoli kdo tam vleze. No asi to bude znamenat, ze tam budu mit jeste mensi sanci nez predtim^_~.
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