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Machine Locations...?
lol_from_america DDR portal

Založen: 26.11.2004
Příspěvky: 4
Ahoj my name is Dana, I will be visiting the Czech in about a month and I love DDR. Are there any machines in the Czech republic? I can't wait to visit the Czech but I don't want to go a week without playing DDR, heh. I'm trying to learn enough Czech so I don't die when I visit, but I doubt it's going to happen, that's why this post is in english, if anyone wants to translate it for me they can, or else Ill just run it through some crappy online translator and hope for the best. Thank you!

Ahoj má jméno is Dana , JÁ vůle být být na návštěvě člen určitý Čech do kolem jeden měsic a JÁ Amor DDR. Ar tam jakýkoliv stroje do člen určitý Čech republika? JÁ can't čekat až k být na návštěvě člen určitý Čech aby ne JÁ don't potřeba až k běh týdně bez činnost DDR heh. I'm trying až k dostat instrukce dostatečný Čech asi tolik JÁ don't forma na lití pod tlakem kdy JÁ být na návštěvě , aby ne JÁ nejistota it's existující až k stát se , aby proč tato posta is do anglicky. I'm existující až k běh tato díž jeden všivý online překladatel , zarmoucený -li nemá to hlavu ani patu.
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S'Tsung DDR portal

Založen: 26.07.2004
Příspěvky: 2218
Bydliště: Praha
Hiya Dana,

Ahoj my name is Dana, I will be visiting the Czech in about a month and I love DDR. Are there any machines in the Czech republic? I can't wait to visit the Czech but I don't want to go a week without playing DDR, heh. I'm trying to learn enough Czech so I don't die when I visit, but I doubt it's going to happen, that's why this post is in english, if anyone wants to translate it for me they can, or else Ill just run it through some crappy online translator and hope for the best. Thank you!


Ahoj, jmenuji se Dana, do mesice navstivim Ceskou Republiku a miluji DDR. Jsou zde vejake automaty v Ceske Republice? Nemuzu se dockat pobytu v CR ale nechci stravit tyden bez DDR. Snazim se naucit dostatecne cesky, abych nezemrela v prubehu moji navstevy, ale stejne se to asi stane, takze tenhle prispevek je v anglictine, pokud ho nekdo chce prelozit pro me, tak muze. Ja tuto zpravy proste prozenu nejakym mizernym online prekladacem a budu doufat v nejlepsi. Diky!

Hi, Dana. I've got one sad news for you. There are NO DDR machines in the Czech Republic. The only music game you can find here is 3DDX, which you can find in Prague in Carrefour Smichovske Nadrazi (subway station - Andel). Maybe you can ask someone on the forum to let you in his/her house to play DDR but that's up to them to decide whether they will let you in or no. If you are a good player and you need a hardpad, there's not too many possibilities^_^. I would gladly let you play in my house, but I don't live in the Czech Republic-_-.
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lol_from_america DDR portal

Založen: 26.11.2004
Příspěvky: 4
Thanks for the sad news S'Tsung, that would be awesome if someone would let me into their home to play ddr, I can only hope someone will. I don't <i>need</i> to play on a hard matt though, I have a red octaine soft matt at home (best $100 spent ever) and I love it. It would be great if someone here wants to let me into their home to play ddr, I promise I'm not crazy or anything Wink If anyone does want to my email address is dana88 at gmail dot com, my aim screen name is namblaxcore.
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jtk DDR portal

Založen: 26.07.2004
Příspěvky: 56
Bydliště: Studénka
Hi Dana,
could you please be a little bit more specific where you'll be staying in Czech Republic? You know, people here are more tied to their location due to lack of cheap means of transport.
Anyway please try to give us more details, I am sure this would help Smile

Regards, Jerry
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lol_from_america DDR portal

Založen: 26.11.2004
Příspěvky: 4
I forget the name of the town, it's a little south of Prague, like half an hour south of Prague? I don't know much about public transportation in the Czech, I just assumed I could take a bus to anywhere, I guess I was wrong :-p. I come from some little town in the US with no public transportation so I just assumed anywhere but here has public transportation.
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Anonymní DDR portal

You of course can take a bus to anywhere (well, almost ^_^). As Prague is the biggest city here and 1/10 of all the population lives there, u should be able to find some other DDR maniac, who would surely share his pad with u ^_^ . I personnally am from Brno, which is 200 km away from Prague and currently I dont even have a pad handy, so I cant help u -_- .
Pulda DDR portal

Založen: 01.12.2004
Příspěvky: 659
Bydliště: Brno
But otherwise I wish u to enjoy Czech Republic.

(while writing the first post, I forgot to log in ^_^)
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S'Tsung DDR portal

Založen: 26.07.2004
Příspěvky: 2218
Bydliště: Praha
Pulda: Welcome to the forum Pulda.
lol_from_america: If you visit Belgium one day I will take you to the only location with DDR^_^ or to my house...lol
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lol_from_america DDR portal

Založen: 26.11.2004
Příspěvky: 4
Great! Now I only have to take a bus or a train across the entire country of Germany to get to DDR! That should be easy! /sarcasm :wink: I was looking on ddrfreak.com and there is a machine in Nürnberg, Germany, that would only be a 4.5-5 hour bus ride, lol. I think I'll just have to go without ddr for a week :cry:
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S'Tsung DDR portal

Založen: 26.07.2004
Příspěvky: 2218
Bydliště: Praha
Yeah, that's right. ^_^. I need just three hours to get to one machine^_^ hehe...actually two because there's Max2 and Extreme, hehe.
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AvantaR DDR portal

Hi! Have something changed since 2004 years? Any Konami machines in Czech-Republic? I want to say that in Wrocław (Poland) stays Dacing Stage Euromix 2 and I think this isn't so far from your country ... Here is list of DDR machines in Poland - http://ddrpl.com/where.php (if someone is going to visit Poland It will be helpfull I think ...).

Best regards Smile
S'Tsung DDR portal

Založen: 26.07.2004
Příspěvky: 2218
Bydliště: Praha
Thanks, no changes though^_^
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Machine Locations...?
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