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Toto téma je zamknuto, nemůžete zde přidávat odpovědi ani upravovat své příspěvky! Toasty (SM a MK)
Toasty (SM a MK)
xsoft DDR portal

Založen: 25.07.2004
Příspěvky: 4714
Bydliště: Praha, Hostomice
Arrow http://www.stepmania.com/stepmania/mediawiki.php?title=FAQ:_All_versions

Who is the girl that pops out and says "toasty"?

This is an easter egg and is an homage to Toasty (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toasty). The girl is "Charmy" from the DDR series. If you find it annoying, you can disable it:

* open the StepMania program folder
* open "Data/StepMania.ini"
* change "EasterEggs" to "0"

Uz se nekomu podazilo to zobrazit?

Btw, kouknete na http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toasty (ono vas to presmeruje na MK2 page). Je tam tohle:

After landing a strong uppercut against the opponent, the face of Dan Forden, a lead programmer, would appear in the lower-right corner of the screen and shout, "Toasty!" In the Portal stage, if the player very quickly held down and hit the start button before Dan's head left the screen, they would then instantly begin a new stage against a secret character named Smoke, a grey recolor of Scorpion. However, the Genesis version includes an alternate Toasty image: By activating the cheat menu in the options screen, Dan Forden's face is replaced by a inserted by one of Probe Entertainment's (the team responsible for the Sega Genesis version) programmers. The "Toasty!" sound remains unchanged. Toasty has become one of the best-known video game easter eggs, among the likes of dopefish. Many games have included their own versions of Toasty, such as StepMania, in which a character pops out and sings "Toasty!" after a long combo of perfects.

Takze kdyz se to vezme kolem a kolem .. tak MK a SM jsou vlastne pribuzni Smile ne?
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S'Tsung DDR portal

Založen: 26.07.2004
Příspěvky: 2218
Bydliště: Praha
Jojo musi byt pribuzni jinak bych na tom netravila tolik casu. Toasty! od Fordena je skvele a smoke je zatracene rychlej..treba by utapal TLOM na AA. ^_~
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WerK DDR portal

Založen: 31.05.2005
Příspěvky: 707
Bydliště: Fala Hay loading station
Xsoft : me se to povedlo ... myslim ze to delalo jenom u skinu Techno Fiend 3 : Eternity a taky musis davat ten song na AAA ... potom se neco ukaze tak 5 sipek pred koncem (nekdy nakej robot co neco zamele jinde prave tousty). Dokonce to ma i pocitadlo v Stats.xml : NumToasties.
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xsoft DDR portal

Založen: 25.07.2004
Příspěvky: 4714
Bydliště: Praha, Hostomice
Ja v nejakym zdrojaku videl A, AA, AAA, AAAA, Toasty .. takze by to melo byt vice nez same pervekty, coz .. nechapu.
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Toasty (SM a MK)
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