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Zaslat odpověď European Pop'n Music ASC business
European Pop'n Music ASC business
Rodent DDR portal

Založen: 28.02.2006
Příspěvky: 2

in the german language countries I am already known for good hardware making,
and good After-Sales support.

I am now happy to introduce the first european Pop'n Music ASC business to you.

The "PnASC v1 Series" was a successul one,
so let me show you it's successor "PnASC v2"

Infos about v1 PnASC:
zer0: http://www.vierpfeile.de/vp/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=2511
maX: http://www.vierpfeile.de/vp/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=2473

Within v2 series there are some minor and major changes to v1:
- professional manufacture of the MDF-Corpus by a joiner company
- professional varnish of the MDF-Corpus by a joiner company
- durable construction with less moving parts
- smaller dimension and lower weight

There still will be two Versions available: "zer0" and "maX"
and all the well-known Fetures remain:

PnASC zer0:
- Arcade-spacing of the Jumbo-Buttons (5,75")
- 24 Months guarantee (except Vandalism!!)
- 1 Month "Rodent guarantee" on Micro-Switches (normally a wear&tear part without guarantee)
- 9 Buttons aligned by original Arcade Style dimensions
- 2 Buttons for Select / Start
- All Buttons through Connector-Panel free configurable (e.g. für Pinball-Games)
- Inside mounted Pinouts of PnASC and Connector-Panel
- free extension Cable for the Joypad-Connector
- Handle for easy carrying
- Quality-Made in Austria

PnASC maX:
- all PnASC zer0 features und in addition:
- personalized Marquee with own nickname
- polycarbonate procection cover for the marquee

PnASC zer0: 190 Euro incl. VAT. - excl. Shipping from AT
PnASC maX: 280 Euro incl. VAT. - excl. Shipping from AT

Available ~ February 2006
Delivery Time: 2 Weeks from order date
!Upfront Payment neccessary! only Bank Transfer allowed (EU Standard Bank Transfer at minimal cost - ask your local Bank Agent)

Images of the unpainted Raw-model:
side view: http://www.rodmod.de/DDR/gal/4.jpg
from bottom: http://www.rodmod.de/DDR/gal/3.jpg
size comparison v1 vs. v2: http://www.rodmod.de/DDR/gal/2.jpg

some maX-Marquee-Examples:

get your needed Informations NOW:
(please email, as I only visit all the forums only about once in a week...kthx)

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European Pop'n Music ASC business
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