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Hudebni hry pro mobily a PDA
xsoft DDR portal

Založen: 25.07.2004
Příspěvky: 4714
Bydliště: Praha, Hostomice
Hry pro mobilni telefony, PDA a MDA.

Arrow Pocket DDR - http://ddrforum.pocitac.com/pocket-ddr-t1132.html
Arrow BM (Java, par levelu)
Arrow DDR (Java, par levelu)

New Drummania and Dance Dance Revolution games look to be coming to Japan as downloadable applications for peoples mobile phones!

The songlists for each are surprisingly large for a mobile phone application, and actually look pretty good with the songs available too (Max300 is of course available). DrumMania seems to use the keys 4, 7, 0, 8, 9, 6 in that order for each of the pads from left to right, and the DDR one uses the 2,4,6,8 numbers or arrowpad on the handset as you'd expect.

Initial download costs 315yen, and downloadable songs cost 52yen per song (although there are a few free ones available). The downside is you can only hold 5 at any one time on your phone, so I assume if you want to change to new songs it will cost you the 52yen per time.

Liklihood of it appearing outside Japan? Unlikely, since small things like this will have even less of a market appeal than they would over in Japan. Still, we can hope, and watch on to see what other marvellous things appear in DDRs homeland.

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ulo DDR portal

Založen: 27.09.2005
Příspěvky: 117
Bydliště: Bratislava
jedna velmi stara DDR na mobil od Konami je tu
warning: velmi user unfriendly, malo songov (midi) a dost divne hodnotenie
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Robot2037 DDR portal

Založen: 31.07.2006
Příspěvky: 555
Bydliště: Praha
ja sem ty hudebni hry pro mobily uz nekam ale psal Wink tak jeste jednou.

O2 Jam Mobile
zhruba na stejne urovni jako mobilni beatmania

Guitar Legend
dobre vypada, ale to je vse. moc presne to neni a songu je tam asi 8.

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Robot2037 DDR portal

Založen: 31.07.2006
Příspěvky: 555
Bydliště: Praha
konami ohlasilo nove DDR pro mobily Arrow http://www.mobilegamefaqs.com/newsstory.php?id=1543&name=Konami+to+bring+Dance+Revolution+to+mobile+News
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Hudebni hry pro mobily a PDA
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