Nas log z finalniho souboje.
Relentless Rats's note changed: Hlavni krysa - leader
S'Tsung plays Terminate from Hand
Pulda taps Relentless Rats
Pulda flips facedown card over
facedown card's note changed: KREV
Terminate's note changed: Destroy target creature and other creatures of the same name
Relentless Rats's note changed: zbabela krysa, skryvajici se vzadu
Relentless Rats's note changed: Krysi speh ^_^
Metallic Sliver's note changed: are you ready?
Heart Sliver's note changed: here we go!
Pulda plays Terror from Hand
Terror's note changed: LET'S MAX!!!
facedown card's note changed: rune mother
S'Tsung taps facedown card
Heart Sliver's note changed: prot. from black haha
facedown card's note changed: BLACKER LOTUS
Acidic Sliver's note changed: it is a good day to die...ehm night
S'Tsung plays Terminate from Hand
Terminate's note changed: destroy all creatures of the type rats
Pulda puts a 10/10 Battlecruiser token into play
Battlecruiser's note changed: Yamatogun
Hunter Sliver's note changed: cloaking device
Hunter Sliver's note changed: cloaking device
Pulda puts a 0/1 Protoss Observer token into play
Protoss Observer's note changed: I see you
S'Tsung plays Shock from Hand
Shock's note changed: ion storm
Pulda plays Terror from Hand
Terror's note changed: Target S'Tsung loses the game ^_^
S'Tsung draws a card
S'Tsung plays Incinerate from Hand
Incinerate's note changed: Burn in hell!, Pulda loses game.
Pulda puts a 10/10 Pulda, the Dark Lord token into play
Toxin Sliver's note changed: S'Tsung - Your Soul Is Mine!
A takhle to nejak vypadalo v praxi^_~.