 | Guitar Hero |  |
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 Bot fora
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Založen: 26.07.2004 |
Příspěvky: 2218 |
Bydliště: Praha |
Zaslal: út, 12.únor 2008, 12:04 |
Tak GH3 doma a zklamani na treti.
v podstate, nelibi se mi vubec vzhled, jak je to delany, nemato keysoundy, nema to nejaky chytry game play mode, zadna dobra hudba, ktera by se dala poslouchat (i kdyz v originale si Iron Maiden, Rage Against the Machine, Alice Cooper etc klidne pustim) etc. Na easy je to NUUUDA, na medium clovek dava 95% a nedokaze neco failnout, harda jsem jeste nehrala tak uvidime...ale znamena to unlockovat vse od ZACATKU. kdo to kdy videl???
Navic ta kytara NENI kompatibilni s Guitar Freaks takze me to dosr na*****. Kazdopadne oblibenci tehle silenosti necht se tesi na nejakou akci od Music Games nebot tam GH3,2,1 bude.
a to nemluvim o tech scenkach a hlaskach pri loadingu a podobne (des)
ale asi budu jedina s takovym nazorem. ale co^_~. neznamena to, ze GH hrat nebudu.
citace: | ok, I finally bought this game. Cause people are interested in it and want to play it but anyway...
It was a BIG disappointment.
The game look terrible. The whole design is quite wierd for me. I don't like the drawings nor the characters looking like in any other non-playable music game (star academy, britney spears' whatever game etc).
Sound does not sound good. It just don't feel right it's not even like listening to the original song.
Ever heard of keysounds? This was maybe the biggest disappointment. I'm used to mess up song tracks with other note sounds but this? One wierd clacking noise when you miss the note or when you break the long note (especially here it makes me jump...- it's so unrealistic...)
I haven't played for too long to know the entire song list but there is no song that would catch my ear. It sounds all the same to me.
The other thing I wanted to say is that my GHIII guitar is NOT compatible with Guitar Freaks V2 and that sucks! nevermind...I just wonder if it is my problem or not? (cause the fret buttons don't react at all...I tried that in ITG and well nothing ...) |
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Založen: 25.07.2004 |
Příspěvky: 4714 |
Bydliště: Praha, Hostomice |
Zaslal: út, 15.duben 2008, 11:19 |
Jinak je venku celkem hodne upravenych verzi GH. Treba GH2 na PS2 je asi 5x upravena a obsahuje tunu jinych songu.
A dneska koukam, ze je venku i jedna verze na GH3 pro Wii. Lidi se fakt snazi .. driv takhle litali po svete modifikace ITG1 for PS2, ale to je uz tak 2 roky zpet (byly i navody jak to udelat).
Koukal jsem, ze by mohlo byt i neco jako unlock kody, protoze u jednoho popisu bylo:
citace: | If you don't see all the songs in Quick Play, enter the unlock all songs cheat code: (YO) (RB) (RO) (GB) (RY) (YO) (RY) (RB) (GY) (GY) (YB) (YB) (YO) (YO) (YB) (Y) (R) (RY) (R) (Y) (O). |
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